5 Tips for Regular Home Window Maintenance

If eyes are the windows to the soul, then are your windows the eyes of your house?

Philosophical questions aside, maintaining your windows is essential if you want to live in a comfortable and cost-efficient house. Additionally, skipping window maintenance can ruin the appearance of your entire property.

As time goes by, it is natural for your windows to be exposed to standard wear and tear. Common problems with old windows include:

  • Broken window panes
  • Water and air leaks
  • Sticky or stubborn window operation
  • Damaged frames
  • Dirty window tracks
  • Noise penetration
  • Water condensation between panes

If you prefer to avoid having to replace your windows, regular window maintenance is a must. Make sure to always be one step ahead in terms of window maintenance and you will avoid costly repairs or tedious tasks such as complete window replacement.

And now, let’s discuss a few window maintenance tips that will make your life easier.

Regular maintenance doesn’t need to be a huge project! Follow our simple tips below, and you’ll be able to keep your windows in great shape for a long time.

1. Clean Your Windows

The easiest way to avoid window damage is regular cleaning. If you have wooden windows, use a damp cloth to quickly and easily remove dust and dirt. Make sure your cloth isn’t too wet. Otherwise, you can cause the wooden frames to rot.

If you have aluminum or vinyl frames, use warm water and mild soap or mild detergent to clean them. Always use non-abrasive cleaners that will not damage your window frames.

Additionally, use a glass cleaner to leave your windows looking crystal clear.

2. Inspect Windows Thoroughly

Once every three months, you need to inspect your windows. This way, you can catch any potential issues before they become more severe.

Begin by checking the window frame and sash for signs of rot. You can do this by pressing on the frame or using a utensil as a tool. Open and close the window to detect any potential issues.

If you have double-paned windows, you also need to check the panes for signs of moisture. If you see any, this means the weather stripping needs to be replaced.

Finally, check if there are gaps between the window frame and the wall.

3. Seal Potential Gaps

If you notice unexplained increases in your utility bills, it may be due to gaps around your windows. They cause the warm air in your home to escape leading to energy inefficiencies.

You can seal these gaps with spray foam insulation or caulk. Additionally, you need to replace the rubber seals of your windows to prevent water leaks or air escaping from your home.

4. Repaint Your Window Frames

Plan to repaint your window frames every three to four years. Frequent painting is essential, not only to keep your windows looking as new, but the paint also helps to protect your windows from the elements.

Make sure you don’t paint over moving parts because this can cause the window to get stuck.

5. Repair Damages Immediately

It’s crucial to attend to any damages that you discover immediately. If you ignore them or think, “I’ll just fix it next summer,” you risk major window damage in the future.

One of the most common window damages, especially in older homes, is the rotting of wooden frames. Of course, if you ignore this problem, the rot will spread.

You can temporarily fix the frame and prevent it from degrading further by using a tool like a screwdriver to remove the rotten wood and then fill the hole with putty.

For more significant damages, such as broken window panes, you need to replace the frames immediately.

Take Care of Your Windows

Follow these tips, and you can easily stay on top of your home window maintenance in spring and throughout the year. By doing so, you’re not just making sure that your home looks great from the outside, you’re also saving energy and keeping your family safe.

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